How Do You Prepare for House Cleaning?

Having your home professionally cleaned is a great way to save time while getting deep, thorough clean. However, just settling and waiting to allow them to arrive. There are quite a number of things you can do in preparation to help them work more efficiently. That way, they'll get the most out of their time being spent at your home. Right here are some tips on how best to prepare for your upcoming house cleaning appointment.

How Do You Prepare for House Cleaning?

Declutter and Tidy Up

One of the most important steps is actually to clean up and declutter before cleaners come. That does not mean deep cleaning on your own-it is what you are hiring the professionals for! However, taking a little time to put away loose items, to clear off countertops and tables and to organize your home in a general manner will let the cleaners focus on the actual cleaning instead of working around the clutter.

Go through room-by-room and put things away: toys, books, magazines. Clean up just as though you were getting ready for company. Do not forget to clean the entryway, stairs, and hallways. The less clutter cleaners have to work around, the more actual time they have cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

Communicate Special Requests

If you have any particular cleaning needs, ensure that it is communicated to the cleaning firm in advance. That is, what you want them to do - change all bed sheets, clean the inside of the oven, or use a particular cleaning product - inform them about all of these before they come in.

Most companies will ask you to fill out a form or checklist prior to the initial visit to get a little information about your home and priorities. Take your time to include any special instructions in this area. If something arises after you've already completed the intake form, call them to let them know. Clear communication will go far to getting exactly the clean you want.

Secure Valuables and Fragile Items

Although professional cleaners must be trustworthy and very careful under these circumstances, it cannot hurt to take precautions about especially valuable or fragile things before cleaners arrive. Heirlooms, very expensive jewelry, sensitive documents, or other irreplaceable items probably ought to be placed in a safe place-such as a locked closet or safe.

For fragile decorative items, you would want to move these into a room that won't be cleaned at all, or at least move them out of the way so they won't get knocked over in the process. Let the cleaners know about special items that might be a little more delicate than the rest.

Make arrangements for your pets as well 

If you have pets, you will need to make arrangements to have them cared for during the cleaning appointment. This is because the cleaners need to have access to all areas of your home without having a curious dog/cat underfoot, and most of the cleaning products are poisonous when ingested, so they could harm your pet if ingested.

If possible, contain your pets to a room that will not require cleaning. For example, bedroom or basement. Leave enough food and water, and if necessary any supplies for the duration of wait such as waste pads and extra litter boxes Another option is doggy day care or have friend pet sit for a few hours. Let the company know ahead of time that there are sometimes pets in the house so that they can take steps to prepare for this.

Access and Parking

Make sure that the cleaners have an easy time accessing your house once they get there. If you reside in a gated community or live in some secure building, give them the access codes or keys to get through. If you won't be present by then, make sure they have an entry mode or method like a garage code or lockbox.

It's also a nice touch to make arrangements for the cleaner's parking access. Do let them know ahead of time if there are any special restrictions in your area or if you would like him/her to park in a particular place. This is true, especially in cities where parking can be a challenge.

Do a Walk-Through

It really would be a good idea to do a walk-through of your home with the cleaners before they get started. Point out any special areas that need attention or that, for whatever reason, you'd rather them not clean. Just make sure they have everything they need in the way of supplies and equipment.

This is also the right time to ask any last minute questions that you may have about their cleaning process or supplies if you want. Cleaners should be happy to explain their approach and put your mind at rest.


Take a little time to get ready for your professional clean, and the appointment will go so much more smoothly. Clean around your new cleaning service. Communicate special requests or issues. Secure valuables and pets. Provide easy access - for you and/or your cleaner. Do a walk-through with the cleaners. 

Check out more at website.

With a little bit of prep, you can thereby sit back and relax, knowing, in the meantime, that your home is in good hands. You'll be surprised at just how differently your space will feel and look after a professional deep clean. Enjoy the fresh results that sparkle!


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