How Do You Tell Employees to Keep the Office Clean?

How do you tell employees to keep the office clean

A clean and organized office environment speaks volumes about employee health, morale, and general productivity. However, at times, getting your employees to cooperate with you in keeping the workspace clean is a challenge. As a manager or entrepreneur, you are bound to bring out the expectations before them and ensure that employees are held responsible for the workspace handed over to them. In this article, we will talk about how to communicate office cleanliness standards with your team and build a culture of cleanliness.

1. Set Clear Expectations from the Start

Set clear expectations right from the start. Include an outline of office cleanliness standards as part of the employee onboarding process within their manual or other training documents. Delineate what specific tasks the employees will be responsible for doing:

  • Keeping their desk and immediate work area tidy.

  • Washing the dishes and utensils they use.

  • Proper waste disposal and recycling.

  • Cleaning and sanitizing shared areas, such as conference rooms, after use.

By setting these expectations early on, employees will understand that maintaining a clean office is part of their job responsibilities.

2. Lead by Example

As a manager or the owner of the business, you should set the pace in your office concerning cleanliness. If you want your workers to put things in order at their respective working stations, then make sure your area is in good order and neat. Engage in cleaning from time to time and display the behaviors you would like your employees to embrace. When workers notice their leaders making sure everything is clean, they will be inclined to do so too.

3. Provide the Necessary Resources

Make it easy for them by making sure they have all the cleaning materials and supplies that they need. Make sure you are stocked up on disinfectant wipes, paper towels, trash bags, and cleaning solutions. Be sure these supplies are easily available and constantly replenished. Think about setting up cleaning stations in your office to get employees in the habit of wiping up after themselves.

4. Communicate the Benefits

While sharing expectations with office staff regarding the cleanliness of their workplace, it will pay much more if you convey the positive benefits of having a clean workplace. 

Show them how an organized office: 

  • Helps reduce illness and boost employee health 

  • Boosts productivity and focus due to fewer distractions 

  • Demonstrates professionalism in front of clients and visitors 

  • Enhances overall morale and job satisfaction 

By presenting the outcome of the 'positive outcome' of a clean office, your employees will show more interest in contributing to the effort.

5. Make it a Team Effort

Emphasize to the workers that the cleanliness of the office should not be a personal thing; engage them in some rotational cleaning schedules or specific tasks allocated to various departments or teams, much like how Apartment Cleaning Seattle services organize their people for efficient cleaning. By this, there shall be a general sense of responsibility among all, working together and sharing tasks equally. Organize periodic cleanup days at the office so everybody can pitch in and do some deeper cleaning and organization in work areas. This exercise, much as Apartment Cleaning Seattle does when they do their thorough cleanups, will help improve the general cleanliness and organization of a workspace quite effectively.

6. Use Visual Reminders

Visual reminders can be an effective way to promote office cleanliness expectations. Display posters or signs in high-traffic areas such as the lunchroom, restrooms, and common spaces. These reminders can consist of simple instructions or even checklists for how cleaning tasks are to be performed, along with gentle nudges to clean up after oneself. You can also bring attention to cleanliness at the top of employees' minds through digital signage or email reminders.

7. Recognize and Reward Cleanliness Efforts

Consider creating a recognition or reward system that will help in keeping the office clean. Incentivize staff by acknowledging individual employees or teams who consistently keep their work areas tidy or go above and beyond in cleaning efforts. It can be something as simple as giving kudos at a meeting or offering a gift card or extra break time. It will remind people of the cleanliness importance at work and increase staff's willingness to further maintain their efforts through celebrating successes in cleanliness.

8. Address Issues Promptly and Privately

If you find that an employee has not been regularly cleaning the office, then you should deal with the employee no-nonsense in private. It's setting up a one-on-one meeting to reprimand him on the need to maintain cleanliness in the working space. Keep a supportive attitude and solution-focused when bringing up the situation, and guide and provide resources to help the employee build better habits.


The goals of office cleaning will have to be communicated multi-dimensionally to the staff. Standards, leading by example, resources, and team culture all motivate them to take ownership of office cleaning. Visible reminders and recognition for cleaning efforts will help retain order in their working environment by emphasizing the benefits of a clean workspace. From top-down dedication to frequent, cleaning, you can foster a workplace that supports good health, productivity, and enjoyment.


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