How Long Does It Take One Person to Deep Clean A House?

Wondering how long does a deep cleaning take one person to do? Well, this depends entirely on the size and scale of the property and the amount of items and furniture you have. 

For many, a clean home is not just about aesthetics—it’s a matter of health, well-being, and peace of mind. As daily life gets busier, maintaining a pristine living space can become increasingly challenging. 

The solution? A full day to deep clean your home. But how many hours would it realistically take? This article unravels the mysteries behind residential deep cleaning. So, grab yourself a coffee, and let’s get into it!

How Long Does A Deep Cleaning Take On Average?

The duration required for a deep cleaning service or a DIY session varies depending on factors like the size of the property, its current condition, and specific cleaning needs. 

A one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment should take around 2.5 hours per week, whereas a larger property with 2 to 3 bedrooms and multiple bathrooms can take up to 4.5 hours to deep clean.

Although of course, this depends entirely on the level of cleaning required and the amount of items found within the property.

For instance, a home with young children may require more time, as there will likely be toys spread throughout the rooms that require organizing and putting away. 

One way to effectively tackle this issue is to set up designated play areas within the home and teach little ones to keep their toys and games within this space.

Make sure to remind children that once they’re finished playing with the toys, they must clean up after themselves.

This simple cleaning technique will transform your daily cleaning routine.

What Does A Residential Deep Cleaning Involve?

Generally, residential deep cleaning involves scrubbing down and sanitizing all surfaces within the home, including those hard-to-reach areas and difficult corners that seem to always attract dust.

Almost everything in the home that you can reach with the aid of a step ladder or stool should be hand-wiped for it to be classed as a deep clean truly. 

So, you’ll definitely notice the difference between your regular weekly cleaning, and a professional residential deep cleaning service

Here’s what you should expect to be gleaming and spotless once a deep clean has been carried out.

Kitchen & Pantry Deep Cleaning

Kitchens, considered the heart of many homes, are also notorious for accumulating hidden dirt and grease. It can take roughly 1 to 2 hours to deep clean a kitchen, as this generally goes far beyond simply wiping down surfaces. 

Complete Bathroom Overhaul

Given their constant moisture exposure, bathrooms are a breeding ground for mold and mildew and take 1 to 3 hours to scrub thoroughly.

A residential deep clean here means descaling faucets to bring back their shine, rigorously disinfecting toilets to ensure no bacterial remnants, treating bathroom tiles, especially the grout which can darken over time, and even focusing on often-overlooked areas like shower-heads exhaust fans which can accumulate dust and affect air quality.

Extensive Dusting

In warmer and dry climates, dust has a sneaky way of settling everywhere. From every corner and the intricate designs of ceiling moldings to the most hidden recesses of your furniture, even the tops of bookshelves or behind large appliances, are potential dust magnets. 

Best Time To Deep Clean A House

Deep cleaning any house is going to involve several hours which is why reserving a full day or afternoon to thoroughly clean is key.

But when it comes to timing, many people choose the refreshing air of spring to deep clean a house. Alternatively, deep cleaning a house just before the winter months set in is also an ideal time, as this prepares the home for cozy indoor moments. 

Special occasions such as graduations, weddings, or significant birthdays can also be perfect opportunities. A clean home sets a positive tone for celebrations and family get-to-gathers.

Because, you know, guests just can't resist conducting a full-scale forensic investigation of every nook and cranny.

They're like cleanliness detectives, armed with magnifying glasses and a burning desire to find that one minuscule dust bunny hiding in the corner.

And heaven forbid if they actually spot something amiss!

But seriously, do guests really have time to play detective? Nah, not really. So, while we might not need to worry about a cleanliness showdown, a quick tidy-up won't hurt. Still, better safe than sorry. Who knows, the cleanliness deities might actually drop by!

The Difference Between Standard Cleaning and Deep Cleaning Services

Suppose you book a standard cleaning service. To avoid any misunderstandings or disappointment as a homeowner, it’s important to understand exactly what’s included and what’s not part of the standard cleaning service. 

So, here's the scoop: regular cleaning keeps things neat and tidy, but deep cleaning takes it up a notch by tackling the hidden gunk and mess that often lurks in various spots around your home – stuff your regular cleaning might miss.

When you're diving into a deep clean, it's more than just a quick sweep and dust. You're going all out to get rid of dirt and give areas in your home a good disinfecting, even those nooks, and crannies that don't usually get much attention.

Here are some things a cleaning lady will tackle in a deep clean:

  • Giving those sinks and basins a thorough wash.

  • Rolling up her sleeves to clean the fridge, oven, and washing machine.

  • Taking on window cleaning, even getting rid of dirt from the nooks around the windows.

  • Battling those stubborn stains on bathroom and kitchen tiles.

  • Grabbing a cloth and making those ceiling fans shine.

  • Not forgetting to wash the vents.

  • Clearing out drawers and cabinets, giving them a good wipe-down with disinfectant.

  • Scrubbing away at countertops and stovetops.

So, you see, a deep clean is like giving your home some extra love and attention – tackling the stuff that usually hides away during your regular tidy-ups.

Always consult with your service provider about what a deep cleaning service consists of for them to ensure every corner of your home gets the attention it deserves.

Why Invest In Deep Cleaning Services?

While deep cleaning is achievable on your own, there are plenty of reasons people rely on professional services to keep your home feeling fresh and smelling beautiful. 

Expertise Matters

A professional cleaner will likely be able to spot things you might overlook in your home and put in place cleaning techniques that will help you stay on top of the dust and grime in between deep cleaning services.

Advanced Cleaning Equipment

Professional cleaners are also equipped with tools and cleaning solutions that achieve even more comprehensive cleanings and tackle stubborn areas more effectively. This means that they will often be able to clean faster and more effectively than you ever would on your own. 


Delegate the cleaning and use your precious time on something you love. Most people find cleaning a chore, especially when it comes to deep cleaning. Hiring a professional cleaning company means freeing up your time to spend with your loved ones or doing something you love. 

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your home has been cleaned to a professional standard can offer unparalleled peace of mind especially if you’re balancing a busy family life.

Achieve a Thorough Home Cleaning with Expert Deep Cleaning Services

In essence, a deep-cleaned house is not just an aesthetic luxury—it's a rejuvenating experience. Beyond the visible shine and sparkle, there's an intangible comfort and mental sense of calm that pervades a thoroughly cleaned space.

It speaks of care, attention, and respect for one's surroundings and the people living within. Whether you're taking on the task yourself or contemplating a professional touch, remember that deep cleaning transcends mere cleanliness. So, invest in a deep cleaning service at home and enhance your living environment. 


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