Do Maids Live With You?

There are many working families who find it necessary to have a maid or housekeeper to come in to clean and do laundry and other general household chores to keep a clean home. One option some households consider when thinking about hiring a maid for their home is that of having a live-in maid-that is, one who lives in your home. But do maids really live with you? Let's take a closer look at live-in arrangements with housekeepers.

What's a Live-In Maid?

A live-in maid is also referred to as a live- in housekeeper who is employed to do housekeeping duties and also resides in the home of his or her employer. The difference between this type of maid is with the live-out maids who come to work for some specified number of hours then return to their own residence.

Do Maids Live With You?

Live-In Housekeeper Job Description

Again, this can vary depending on the needs of the house, but in general a live-in maid will be responsible for the following:

  • General house cleaning such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping floors

  • Doing laundry and ironing

  • Purchase groceries and run other errands

  • Cooking and meal preparation

  • Caring for children and nanny duties

  • Feeding, pet walking, bathing care for pets.

  • House managing and organizing.

Because they are living in the house, a live-in maid works longer hours and has greater flexibility in their schedule compared to a live-out maid. More often than not, they are expected to be on call for the execution of tasks later in evening hours and early morning hours.

Advantages to Hiring a Live-In Maid

There are many advantages associated with hiring a live-in maid:

Flexibility and convenience:  Having a live-in maid in your premise allows you to get things done on your schedule. They can adjust their hours in line with the needs of your family.

Consistency: You'll use the same cleaner, which means that they will become very familiar with how you like things done.

Reliability: Since your maid is going to be living with you, there's no question of her coming late or even not coming at all by calling in sick. She will be available at your beck and call.

Cost-effective: Although you have to count in room and board since she is a live-in maid, she will generally charge less than a live-out housekeeper. You do not have to pay for transportation either.

Peace of mind: Just knowing that someone is at your home at all times, especially if you travel a significant amount, can be an added sense of security. Your maid can also report to you on any problems at the house.

Is a Live-In Maid for You?

What makes sense for your family as far as hiring a live-in housekeeper is greatly dependent on your specific needs, preferences and household situation. It definitely works very well for busy households who want the convenience and reliability of a maid who is always there to keep things running smoothly. If you have ample space to provide separate living quarters for instance it's going to make it that much easier to accommodate a live-in maid.

However, if privacy is essential to your family, live-out housekeeping is the better option. You are still able to get the cleaning you desire but on a schedule that allows more private hours. For families concerned about the environment in the Pacific Northwest region, a green cleaning service like Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy can provide you with non-toxic and environmentally friendly housekeeping service with live-out maids.

Ultimately, an open and honest communication is a must for a successful live-in maid set-up. Be clear about your expectations, put everything into a clear-written work agreement, and treat your live-in housekeeper just like any other professional. With the proper fit, having a maid live in your home is a mutually beneficial relationship that will keep not just your household tidy but also organized and running with efficiency.


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