What’s the Difference Between Standard Cleaning and Deep Cleaning?

As far as keeping your home clean and tidy, basically there are two main kinds of cleaning services you might well come across: standard cleaning and deep cleaning. While both of them are actually knitted in a bid to make your space hygienic and presentable, yet there are some major differences between the two. In this blog, we shall attempt to talk about what sets the former apart from the latter, and help you decide which one works best for you.

What is the difference between Standard Cleaning and Deep Cleaning?

What is Standard Cleaning?

Standard cleaning, also called regular or maintenance cleaning, refers to the daily routine activities, which make your home look clean. Such cleaning is done more often weekly, or bi-weekly, to prevent dirt from accumulating, along with dust and clutter.

Some of the standard cleaning activities usually include:

  • Vacuuming of carpets and rugs

  • Sweeping and mopping of floors

  • Dusting surfaces like tables, shelves, and window sills

  • Cleaning and sanitizing bathrooms- including sinks, toilets, and mirrors

  • Wiping down kitchen counters and appliance exteriors

  • Making beds, tidying up rooms

  • Taking out the trash, replacing liners

The standard cleaning goal is to maintain your entire home on a good, consistent level of cleanliness-only to formulate a more delightful, healthy place to stay .

What Is Deep Cleaning?

On the other hand, deep cleaning is a more profound and extensive method of cleaning that goes beyond the general tasks performed during routine cleaning. Deep cleaning mainly involves places often left out during regular cleaning sessions; deep cleaning takes more time, work, and attention compared to regular cleaning.

Deep cleaning generally includes:

  • The space behind and under furniture and appliances is cleaned

  • Grout in tiles is scrubbed, soap scum removed from the bathtubs and showers

  • The baseboard, the frames of windows and of the doors are washed.

  • Deep clean inside the cupboards, drawers and wardrobes

  • Upholstery steam or shampooing

  • Furniture and carpets, steam cleaning

  • Polishing of solid wood furniture and fixtures

  • Descaling and deep cleaning to kitchen and bathroom fixtures

  • Disinfection of high-touch areas like door handles, light switches and remote controls.

Deep cleaning is, therefore, done less often than the standard cleaning; it could be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, and also before special events of holidays and moving in or out of a house. Removal of the accumulated grime, bacteria, allergen, and dirt deposited by the regular cleaning is the core purpose of the deep cleaning that will offer better sanitization to the living environment.

Major Differences Between Deep and Standard Cleaning

Frequency: Standard cleaning is carried out more often - weekly or bi-weekly, while the deep one not as often, monthly, quarterly, or when needed.

Deep Cleaning takes more time and manpower since it is a widespread activity in comparison with standard cleaning.

Areas covered: Standard cleaning, most of the time visibly obvious and prone-to-heavy-traffic areas. A deep clean would include the hard-to-reach window sill or those spots left out.

Level of detail: Deep cleaning is more thorough in order to be able to address tough stains, embedded debris, and hidden dirt that may escape the eye of a regular clean.

Cost: Due to the increased efforts expended and time spent, deep cleaning tends to be more expensive when compared to regular cleaning services.

Which One Should You Choose?

Therefore, your choice between standard cleaning and deep cleaning will be dependent on exactly what you want and prefer in your life. Standard cleaning will be good if you simply want to keep on sustaining cleanliness in your home. Deep cleaning, though, is very different from the standard cleaning, thorough cleansing, and elimination of embedded dirt, allergens, and bacteria.

So, when seeking a cleaning service, make sure to clarify what is standard and deep cleaning packages. An honest company like Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy will work with you to determine the best package for your property according to your needs and budget.

Finally, to recap, being able to tell the two apart, standard cleaning and deep cleaning, empowers you with making informed decisions about how you want your home cleaned and how hygienic it needs to be. With the correct form of cleaning service and correct frequency, you get to enjoy a healthier and much more inviting living space that meets all your standards of measurement and cleanliness.


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