What Do You Call a Maid?

Provided that they are able to offer efficient services, hiring a Professional cleaning service might just work magic in the cleaning and tidying of your home. But what term should you use to call the person coming that cleans your home? 

What Do You Call a Maid?


The word "maid" is a very traditional term given for the female domestic worker who cleans houses. This word has its origin from Old English "mægden". In Old English, it described a young woman who was unmarried, mostly in connection with virgins. With time, its meaning changed and meant a woman Servant who would attend to many household chores, especially females.

However, there are those who believe that this word is somewhat archaic and does not define the professionalism and art of today's cleaning service providers. Also, it is a word that is considered gender-specific because cleaning professionals are not exclusively female.


Actually, another term probably used most often to describe a person whose responsibilities are the cleaning and maintenance of a home is "housekeeper." The term is a bit more genderless and definitely encompasses much more responsibility than just cleaning. Manufactured housekeepers might include doing laundry, grocery shopping, and sometimes even childcare.

The term "housekeeper" was usually used for commercial facilities, like hotels, where a cleaning staff could be said to be responsible for a multitude of rooms or areas.

Janitorial Professional

Recently, there has been an effort to ensure that the terms utilized in referring to individuals who clean turn professional and all encompassing. "Janitorial professional" is a pretty general term, referring to anybody who cleans; it is also a term that communicates that cleaning and tending space is a job that requires skill and knowledge.

This applies to those working in residential settings and those who work for commercial cleaning companies. Cleaning is a job. This is a job that requires training, knowledge as well as attention to detail.

Cleaning Technician

Like "cleaning professional", "cleaning technician" can convey a level of technical competence and the actual application of knowledge to produce a truly clean, sanitized environment. It can also be used to describe a more narrow offering, such as an eco-friendly or green cleaning company.

The cleaning technician has received specialized training in products, equipment or techniques allowing this worker to perform their tasks in a way that ensures the best outcome and smallest environmental footprint.

Cleaning Fairy

Some cleaning service companies have really gotten creative with their branding and their terminology, as in this one example- Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy. TheORG staff is called the "Green Cleaning Fairies". Whimsy to the mundane chore of cleaning.

Also, the term "fairy" read in.toInt the line that these professionals have some supernatural powers or abilities to make this place dirty to sparkling. It is very effective marketing the company into the market full of service providers.


They may be referred to as cleaners, custodians, janitors, facility workers, or maintenance staff members, but whatever designation they have, they must be treated and regarded with respect and appreciation. Basically, they strive hard over the clock to ensure our places of habitation and operation are always clean, healthy, and comfortable. Their work requires physical energy, and most of the time, their tasks involve handling chemicals and other hazardous items.

Always clearly communicate with a cleaning professional and be kind to them. Share information and/or special instructions that it may be important for them to know. Thank them for their efforts as much as possible. Saying "thank you" actually can go quite far in getting them to know they are appreciated and respected.

Choosing the Right Word

Ultimately, the "right" term used when referring to one cleaning professional may well depend on the context and preference of the person or a company selling their services. Some might well prefer the more traditional "maid" or "housekeeper", while others could plump for a more modern, inclusive "cleaning professional" or "cleaning technician".

If you are not sure which one to use, then it is best to ask the provider directly. They can let you know what they would want to go by and also help with clarity of the services covered.

For more information visit https://seattlegreencleaningfairy.com

They are variously referred to as a maid, housekeeper, a cleaning fairy, or cleaning technician. Still, by whatever name, their contribution to the maintenance of clean and healthy living and working areas is of such great importance and predominates them being classed as lower-class workers. If it is received well and treated with respect and appreciation, it can foster an extremely positive and mutually beneficial relationship that achieves the objective of making everyone's life a little less difficult and more pleasant than before.


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