What is the Politically Correct Term for Cleaning Lady?

Actually, society has been very particular on the choice of words, and especially when it relates to a person and their job. For many years now, the term "cleaning lady" has been commonly used, but the question is, Is the use of this term still appropriate? Is it still respectful?

The Problem with "Cleaning Lady"

The term "cleaning lady" can, in real sense, be termed outdated and even offensive for a number of reasons.

  • Gender Stereotyping: One can assume that women are the only ones doing cleaning work in a way implying gender stereotyping. Professional cleaners include both men and women.

  • Lack of Professionalism: A "Cleaning lady" will be perceived to be less professional, not as serious work as any other commercial work.

  • Demeaning Connotations: The term "lady" can be read as belittling or reducing, leaving the impression that cleaning is too menial to be done by anyone other than this individual.

What is the Politically Correct Term for Cleaning Lady?

More Desirable Alternatives

To avoid putting down those in society who are cleaning workers, consider these alternatives:

  • Cleaner: It is just a simple, non-gendered description of the work; it does not describe the person doing the job.

  • Cleaning Professional: This title shows both the artistry and the professionalism of individuals in the cleaning business.

  • Housekeeper: Although it is gendered, or specific to a particular sex or social gender, this word is not as pejorative as "cleaning lady."

  • Custodian: This is one used in commercial environments but will also suffice for residential cleaning professionals.

  • Maid: This word is gender specific, but nonetheless in general use and tolerated within the industry. Best practice, however, is to defer. Haunted hospitality to whichever term a private household or company prefers.

The Power of Respectful Language

For example, using respectful language when referring to cleaning workers is political correctness that goes beyond semantic emphasis on the value and dignity of the job. Cleaning is among the most physically demanding jobs that has won little appreciation despite its importance in maintaining a clean, healthy, and safe environment in homes and businesses.

We can actually help ensure an end to the stigma and instant association of stereotypes against cleaning work by using more professional, hence respectful terms. This will then lead to better working conditions, higher wages and greater recognition for those in the industry.

Professionalism in the Cleaning Industry

Many cleaning companies have also now begun to firm up steps to further professionalize and give the occupation more gravitas. A great example is how Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy refers to their workers as "Green Cleaning Fairies." Check their website out for more information https://seattlegreencleaningfairy.com

Other companies will be willing to invest in training and development programs that their staff can pass through in developing better skills to advance in their careers. Such companies help this industry by promoting the view that cleaning is a skilled profession, not a menial job.

The Role of Clients in Promoting Respect

Our part as clients also comes in very handy in enhancing respect for them. This includes being nice and appreciative to them, giving clear instructions and feedback, as well as ensuring that they have safe and healthy working conditions.

It also means being sensitive to the type of language we use in referring to them. The use of respectful terms like "cleaner" or "housekeeper" will help challenge the stereotypes and stigma associated with this type of work.


This would therefore be an opportune moment to retire the term "cleaning lady" and opt for something more respectful, professional, or, at the very least, dignifying. In this way, there will be dignity and respect for these occupations since they work hard to provide us with a clean and healthy environment.

Cleaner," "housekeeper," or "custodian"- whatever the term, the important thing is to show respect, appreciation, and tact toward any cleaning professional. We will strive in unison so that such a transaction increases their social standing and ours together for a fairer and better world.


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